An application example: the FastGradeTM mining probe
FastGradeTM has revolutionized the mining sector. Designed to study the atomic composition of a mine’s subsoil, the probe can replace highly costly traditional drilling and sampling operations with quasi-real time analysis: 1 day is now all it takes to obtain the composition of the land around the drilling hole, compared with 1 month for traditional methods!

What are the advantages provided by the FastGradeTM probe?

At the core of material analysis: the neutron tube
Sodern systems analyze the material through neutron analysis with a neutron tube or neutron generator.
Our tubes have been at the heart of our know-how for nearly sixty years and provide science and industry players with the power and reliability of these particles. For example, they make a valuable contribution to laboratory applications, or quality control.
We produce nearly 100 neutron tubes per year, and these are used by a wide variety of companies or research institutes in more than 40 countries around the world, reinforcing our position as the world leader in this market.